
Verband der Europäischen Bettfedern- und Bettwarenindustrie e.V.
(European Down and Feather Association)
Thomas-Mann-Straße 9
D-55122 Mainz

Tel: +49 (0) 6131 588560

Chairman: Ms. Petra Gerlach
Management: Dr. Juliane Hedderich
Registration court: Amtsgericht Mainz (Local court)
Association Registration Number: VR 2557

Responsible for the content in accordance with section 10 subs. 3 of the German Interstate Media Services Agreement (MDStV): Dr. Juliane Hedderich (address as above)

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We cannot accept any liability for information contained in external links, although we have previously researched the content with due diligence. The content providers of these sites alone are responsible for the content published therein.

Data Protection

EDFA is happy to welcome you on this website: we are pleased with your interest in the information we provide. We take the protection of your personal information seriously and want you to feel safe and comfortable when visiting our web pages.
Have a closer look at all details on a seperate page.