
In 2010, EDFA member companies committed to a documentary traceability system and a code of conduct. According to this, down and feathers obtained from cruelty to animals must neither be sourced nor processed. The companies have included a corresponding declaration in their sales contracts and general terms and conditions respectively.
The origin of down and feathers is recorded using a detailed documentation system, the EDFA Traceability Standard. Together with auditing specialists, several of the association’s working groups developed the traceability standard, according to which the origin of the filling materials of down and feathers from poultry meat production can be documented. This applies to all supplies from EU countries, countries of the Council of Europe and third countries. The EDFA traceability standard thus records feather supplies from all over the world.
Since then, suppliers have had to certify that their goods come from slaughtered animals or that the feathers were legally harvested during the moulting season. To check the accuracy of this information, audits will be carried out regularly by neutral experts or organizations.
Bedding items produced under these conditions can be labeled accordingly for the consumer.